How to get more images and not only a wide-angle but also lifestyle images?
When the quality and the details are of importance you may find that simple wide-angle images are not enough.
We also provide Photo Sessions where we use a zoom lens and focus also on the detail shots of the property (fixtures and fittings). Look out for other services in the shop.
Is Walkthrough Video better than 3D Virtual Tour?
They have different interaction levels and storage methods:
Video Walkthrough is more affordable but less engaging option to the viewer as they can’t look around as in 3D tour – there is only play and stop option. Once uploaded on YouTube video is hosted for free to share with anyone.
3D Virtual Tour is more engaging and also can be played as a video but with the option for the viewer actually look around and walk to areas of their interest, just like in a computer game. 3D Virtual Tour tend to be more expensive and will require hosting (a monthly fee).